
School Prospectus

Please click here for a copy of our school prospectus.


Privacy Notice

Please click here for a copy of our school privacy notice detailing how we use your personal information.

Consent Form - Photo & video

Please click here to view the consent options for Acacias.


Nursery Admissions

Admission to Nursery is managed by Acacias and application forms should be returned to the school office. Children are admitted to Nursery in the September before they are 4 and places are allocated in the April/May prior to admission, full details of the admissions criteria can be found in the school prospectus. Please ensure your child's name is on our waiting list by the 28th February prior to admission. Please note that places for 2024/25 are part time (5 mornings 8.45 - 11.45a.m. or afternoons 12.15-3.15p.m.) with the option to increase to full time if you are entitled to free school meals, or parents are entitled to funding for 30 hrs childcare or parents pay £80 per week (please note this amount is payable even if your child is absent from school). We have 30 full time places, 15 morning places and 15 afternoon places. Where it suits school requirements the number of children on part time/full time may be flexed. If any option is over subscribed we will allocate places based on admission criteria. 

Application Form for Nursery Waiting List (click here), please bring the form into school with your child’s birth certificate or passport.

Please click here for our new to Nursery presentation.


Reception Admissions

Admission to Reception is managed by Manchester City Council and full details of how to apply can be found on the Manchester City Council Website (click here). Children are admitted to Reception in the September before they are 5 and applications  are made in the autumn term prior to admission. Full details of the admissions criteria can be found in the school prospectus.

Please click here for our new to Reception presentation.


Admission at Other Times

Admission to Acacias other than at the start of Nursery is managed by Manchester City Council and application is made by completing the In-Year Application Form available here and accompanying notes (click here). If the school is unable to offer a place then your child will be placed on the school's waiting list.


Appeals process

The appeals process for Year R to 6 is managed by Manchester City Council. Please refer to their website for more information. (click here).