Parental Involvement

At Acacias, we highly value the support of parents and encourage parents to become involved in the school community. We regularly hold workshops to support parents with helping their children at home, and informal coffee mornings. At each event we ask parents for feedback on what they enjoyed and what they'd like to see in the future. We use this feedback to plan future events and to inform us of how to improve.

We are just starting to get more Parental Involvement events up and running, post COVID lockdowns.

To see what we've done in the past, please click here.

If you would like to discuss our parental involvement further, and have ideas of how to make it even better, please contact Mrs Riley, our parental involvement coordinator, or email us at Alternatively, you can contact us, or send us suggestions, through our 'Parent View' page.


Upcoming events:

Please check the calendar or the school story on Class Dojo for details of upcoming events, including class assemblies.


2022 - 2023

Nursery Physical Development workshop

On Thursday 4th May, we held a physical development workshop for parents of children in Nursery. During the workshop we shared activities for developing physical skills to enable fine and gross motor control to improve. They were given information about how to develop these skills at home. Click here to see the presentation.


Nursery Phonics workshop

On Tuesday 21st March, we held a phonics workshop for parents of children in Nursery. This gave our parents a chance to understand the building blocks of phonics, and why phonics is so important in Nursery. They were given information about what Phase 1 of phonics involves, and how they can support the different aspects at home. Click here to see the presentation.


KS1 Shared Learning

On Friday 10th March, KS1 held their shared learnign event for the spring term. This time they focussed on how maths is taught in school. Feedback from the parents was really positive:

"[I enjoyed] seeing my son in class and joining in with activities that will be good to try at home.  There were opportunities for activities with movement which suited him really well."

"It’s lovely to see how the way children learn and we can watch them working as a team in their groups."

"It was so helpful to learn and practice different strategies to learn divisions."

"[I liked] getting an insight of how subject is taught as this gives me ideas how I can make this work at home. Today’s most exciting and amazing experience was seeing my son get involved absolutely amazing.  This was the 1st time he is building his confidence to get involved."

"It was wonderful to see how Miss Upton engaged the children in their learning. And was so impressive that, with her support, the children were able to use difficult mathematical terms. It was great to connect and lean with my child in the classroom setting."


LKS2 Shared Learning

Lower KS2 held their second shared learning event on Monday 13th February, which focussed on the teaching of maths. As always, we received some excellent feedback from parents who attended:

"It was fantastic to see how the teacher's set up the lessons for particular subjects and gave the children ample opportunities to engage with each other. Well done staff."

"[I enjoyed] being able to understand how and the ways my child is learning their maths."

"It was great to see the techniques used in teaching the children. The Kagan approach is something I have never heard of but seeing it in practice, I could see what an excellent tool it really is. 
It’s always nice to see what my daughter is learning in class too. Today I asked her if she understands fractions and how to work them out. She said she was struggling a little so I know I can practice them at home with her over the weekends."

"It was great being a part of my son's learning journey and to see how the children engage with their teacher."

"It was a good way of understanding how child is taught and gave me ideas and understanding of how to get the theory and practice across."


UKS2 Shared Learning

On Wednesday 8th February, UKS2 held their second shared learning event of the year, with parents having an opportunity to see the teaching of maths or English. The parents valued the experience, and gave some great feedback:

"It was great seeing the kids in school and watching a lesson."

"Miss BB is fab, I really enjoyed seeing how she teaches the children and keeps them engaged. I can see why [my son] enjoys his time with her so much."

"[I liked] my child showing me how she calculated the maths questions and showing me the difference from what I was taught at school."

"I loved being able to see a snippet of my sons day and the teaching and learning methods used in the classroom. I loved seeing him and the rest of the class so engaged and focused on the work. There was clear differentiation from the teacher and was such an inclusive classroom where the needs of all pupils were met and this was really great to see. The rally coach method used to involve us in our children's learning was lots of fun and it is a great way of teaching and learning. It is a great way of promoting mistakes as part of learning and teaching the children are able to learn how to give tips and teach their partner and also receive tips and be taught by others when it is a tricky question."

"The session was well planned and well organised. I was glad of the chance to see a maths lesson and learnt a thing or two! Great to see the children talking through their thought process with a partner, what a great idea. Also the session gave me an idea about how they are preparing for sats which I can talk to my son about. Thank you to Mr Sheldon and Mr Griffiths and the rest of the staff team, your hard work is very much appreciated."


Early Years Shared Learning

On Tuesday 31st January, Nursery held their second shared learning event of the year. This was followed with Reception's Shared Learning event on Thursday 2nd February. Both events gave parents the chance to see how maths is taught in the early years. There was a really good turn out, and parents gave us some lovely feedback:

"[I enjoyed] the opportunity to see my son in the setting and how he interacted with his teachers and classmates."

"[I liked] the learning aspect and joining in with my children was fabulous! Teachers are great!"

"Loved the fact we were shown the new things being learnt that week such as numbers."

"It was timely and well organised. I also liked the fact that we were able to have a glimpse of what the children's day look like."

"It was well organised. Brilliant to see such commitment to parent involvement from Mr Griffiths and rest of the staff. The lesson was fun, the children then had lots of activities to choose from to put their knowledge into action. Miss Smith and Miss Oswell are doing a brilliant job. Thank you, I loved it."

"[I loved] so much! I loved playing and learning with my daughter. I loved experiencing the handwriting and Maths activities at carpet time. I loved watching the teacher expertly encouraging and teaching the children."


Christmas Productions

Throughout the final full week before the holiday, there were a number of festive performances for parents to enjoy. These included a Year 3 and Year 4 festive sing-alng, KS1 Christmas presentation and UKS2 Christmas production. All performances were well attended and the children put on amazing shows for all to enjoy. 


Parent Coffee morning

On Friday 9th December we held a coffee morning for parents/carers to attend. This gave parents a chance to meet staff from school and talk about anything they needed to discuss. It followed on from craft sessions in which parents had been involved, creating goodies to be sold at the school Christmas Fair. Thank you to all who helped in the run up, and to those who helped out on the day.


UKS2 Shared Learning

On Monday 28th November, UKS2 held a shared learnign event, giving parents and opporunity to see the teaching of maths or English in their classrooms. Thanks to those who attended and those who gave feedback on the event:

"[It was good] after a long time, again coming into school to see how my child learns. Must say [my child's] teacher is excellent how she clearly breaks things down and is so nice with the children."

"I enjoyed seeing what my daughter was learning in school and how the lesson was taught. I found it really helpful and it was really nice to join her, thank you for having us."

"It was great to be back in the classroom and see what the children are learning. I was very impressed with the standard of writing."

"I got to see how my son focused and how his behaviour was in class."

"Thank you to Mr Sheldon and the school for inviting us into the classroom. I loved seeing my son interact with his classmates and have fun sharing his ideas. Mr Sheldon has a wonderful rapport with the class, he speaks to them with warmth and humour. It was brilliant to see the whole class taking part and enjoying themselves! Thank you."


Nursery Shared Learning

Nursery held two shared learning sessions on Tuesday 15th November, to enable parents of our part time learners to attend. The sessions were a success with parents enjoying taking part in the learning with their children, and we had some lovely feedback:

"It was wonderful to witness the caring, patient and creative approach of the EYFS team. I loved seeing how the staff interacted with my daughter (and the other children) and how they engaged them in a variety of activities. I loved having the opportunity to play with my girl and she was so proud when introducing me to her friends."

"[I enjoyed] getting to see my child playing and learning i.e. sitting on the carpet with the other children and listening to Miss Burke and then it was nice that he got to have some free play where I could play with him. The squiggle while you wiggle was fun and until they event I didn’t know what it was; since then we do a five minute squiggle with a wiggle before getting ready for bed which the kids have enjoyed the last three days."

"[I liked] the learning environment and the coordination between the school and parents."

"[I enjoyed] seeing the excellent teaching and watching my son in the environment."

"[It gave me] a chance to see what my daughter is doing!"


Reception Shared Learning

On Tuesday 18th October, Reception had their shared learning event. This gave the opportunity for parents and carers to come into school and see how we teach phonics in Reception. 

Thank you for the lovely feedback:

"It was a wonderful experience overall. Sitting in the classroom with my child I had an opportunity to learn different ways and styles to get my child engaged in her reading and writing in a fun way."

"Lots of smiling, welcoming faces, staff and children. The children were delighted to see their grown ups, My son talked about it so much at home. Great to see how he learns and takes part. It gave us lots to talk about at home. A happy classroom, all the children were joining in. The teacher was brilliant, really encouraging and warm. Thank you."

"My children were so happy to see me and proud to show me round. It was good to see them in a different environment than I normally do and a lesson to see how this works and how they respond."

"I got an insight on how my child is in the school environment; what they are learning and how they are learning. It was very reassuring as well in terms of whether my child has settled in or not. Looking at their classroom was also great. Loved how the walls were decorated with facts about the children in class and their work, giving them a sense of belonging. Really enjoyed the whole experience and would love to attend more of these events."


LKS2 Shared Learning

LKS2's (Years 3 and 4) Shared learning event took place on Friday 14th October. During the event, the classes looked at part of the writing process in an English lesson.

We had some lovely feedback from the event:

"It was great to see my son in a school setting, and I sensed excitement amongst the children whose parents attended."

"I loved the confidence the teachers had when the taught the children in front of us! Very brave; hats off! I loved the way they made writing a sentence look like so much fun! I loved the excitement the children had on the day we had to come! I will never forget the look on my son's face!"

"It is an amazing opportunity for us to know what the children are learning in the classroom and how they act during the lesson"

"I loved being back in the classroom seeing a bit of learning. I also thought the talk at the beginning was helpful so we all knew what the expectations were for adults in the classroom. I really appreciate the staff being willing to let us all come and observe the lesson."

"Seeing the classroom environment and the work my child does. Empowered the children to show the grown ups how they do things. That the school is including parents/building a community"

"A warm welcome from all the staff. The children were delighted to see their grown ups. It really helps to understand what and how they are learning. Wonderfully calm and happy classroom."

"There were so many things that I liked! The opportunity to work alongside my child. Being able to see how writing is taught as a process. It was great to see the classroom environment and I loved how the displays and information around the room were referred to throughout the session, either to recap prior learning or to highlight something new. It was lovely to witness the teacher's gentle manner with the children - she both supported and challenged their learning. Thank you for planning the event. It was really valuable and enjoyable."

"Today's session in class was spot on. The teacher had all the children's attention at all times. Her teaching style is brilliant! I just hope she didn't mind me fidgeting because I struggled with sitting and kneeling on the floor!"


Friends of Acacias Coffee morning

On Thursday 13th October, we held our first 'Friends of Acacias' meeting. This was an opportunity for any parents/carers or other members of the school community to come together to look at how we can work together and gain ideas of how we can raise funds for the school. There was a great turn out and lots of chat and laughter! There were some fantastic fundraising ideas shared and some very enthusiastic volunteers. Thank you to all who came - we look forward to working with you in future. Look out for information of our next meeting.


KS1 Shared Learning

On Tuesday 11th October, KS1 (Years 1 and 2) held a shared learning event. This gave parents/carers the opportunity to see how English is taught in KS1. Thank you to all who came, and to those who gave feedback on the experience:

"Sharing the same class environment with your kid is the best ever experience."

"Able to share a learning exercise with my child, helps to start conversations at home about the topics discussed."

"I loved seeing my son participating in the lesson. And seeing how happy and confident all the children were in joining in. They were all keen to learn and were clearly enjoying it."

"I enjoyed being able to see what my child is learning during her class and seeing how she engaged so well in class. I felt very proud as a parent. I also enjoyed being able to help my child with the work and be her extra support there and my heart was at ease to know that she was understanding the work."

"The children were kind to each other, shared the resources well & got on with their work. They also had the opportunity to write but it was in a way that all abilities were catered for. Some children were faster at sorting & writing but there were enough resources that they were able to be challenged right to the end of the lesson. The teacher ended excellently with a fun game which directly helped practice the new knowledge gained. I was very pleased at the quality of teaching & learning. Both the teacher & teaching assistant were a fantastic team & the children were very well engaged."

"The teacher was fantastic engaging both students and parents at the right times"

"The opportunity to see how learning takes place in the colourful, engaging classroom. It was wonderful to see how the teacher introduced a new concept, modelled it and allowed children to practise. My son was confident categorising and writing nouns by the end of the session. It was a pleasure and a privilege to participate with my child. Thank you for the opportunity."


Phonics workshops

During September, we held four separate workshops on how our phonics programme is delivered. These were for parents/carers of children in Reception and Year 1. The workshops were well attended overall, and parents found it useful knowing how their child is taught and seeing an example of a phonics lesson.


Meet the Inclusion team coffee afternoon

On Tuesday 20th September we held a coffee afternoon for parents/carers to meet the Inclusion team, giving an opportunity to share and discuss any concerns. It also gave an opportunity for us to share how we support children in school with a wide range of needs. Thank you to those who attended and shared their thoughts.

Parental Involvement

At Acacias, we highly value the support of parents and encourage parents to become involved in the school community. We regularly hold workshops to support parents with helping their children at home, and informal coffee mornings. At each event we ask parents for feedback on what they enjoyed and what they'd like to see in the future. We use this feedback to plan future events and to inform us of how to improve.

We are just starting to get more Parental Involvement events up and running, post COVID lockdowns.

To see what we've done in the past, please click here.

If you would like to discuss our parental involvement further, and have ideas of how to make it even better, please contact Mrs Riley, our parental involvement coordinator, or email us at Alternatively, you can contact us, or send us suggestions, through our 'Parent View' page.


Upcoming events:

Please check the calendar or the school story on Class Dojo for details of upcoming events, including class assemblies.


2022 - 2023

Nursery Physical Development workshop

On Thursday 4th May, we held a physical development workshop for parents of children in Nursery. During the workshop we shared activities for developing physical skills to enable fine and gross motor control to improve. They were given information about how to develop these skills at home. Click here to see the presentation.


Nursery Phonics workshop

On Tuesday 21st March, we held a phonics workshop for parents of children in Nursery. This gave our parents a chance to understand the building blocks of phonics, and why phonics is so important in Nursery. They were given information about what Phase 1 of phonics involves, and how they can support the different aspects at home. Click here to see the presentation.


KS1 Shared Learning

On Friday 10th March, KS1 held their shared learnign event for the spring term. This time they focussed on how maths is taught in school. Feedback from the parents was really positive:

"[I enjoyed] seeing my son in class and joining in with activities that will be good to try at home.  There were opportunities for activities with movement which suited him really well."

"It’s lovely to see how the way children learn and we can watch them working as a team in their groups."

"It was so helpful to learn and practice different strategies to learn divisions."

"[I liked] getting an insight of how subject is taught as this gives me ideas how I can make this work at home. Today’s most exciting and amazing experience was seeing my son get involved absolutely amazing.  This was the 1st time he is building his confidence to get involved."

"It was wonderful to see how Miss Upton engaged the children in their learning. And was so impressive that, with her support, the children were able to use difficult mathematical terms. It was great to connect and lean with my child in the classroom setting."


LKS2 Shared Learning

Lower KS2 held their second shared learning event on Monday 13th February, which focussed on the teaching of maths. As always, we received some excellent feedback from parents who attended:

"It was fantastic to see how the teacher's set up the lessons for particular subjects and gave the children ample opportunities to engage with each other. Well done staff."

"[I enjoyed] being able to understand how and the ways my child is learning their maths."

"It was great to see the techniques used in teaching the children. The Kagan approach is something I have never heard of but seeing it in practice, I could see what an excellent tool it really is. 
It’s always nice to see what my daughter is learning in class too. Today I asked her if she understands fractions and how to work them out. She said she was struggling a little so I know I can practice them at home with her over the weekends."

"It was great being a part of my son's learning journey and to see how the children engage with their teacher."

"It was a good way of understanding how child is taught and gave me ideas and understanding of how to get the theory and practice across."


UKS2 Shared Learning

On Wednesday 8th February, UKS2 held their second shared learning event of the year, with parents having an opportunity to see the teaching of maths or English. The parents valued the experience, and gave some great feedback:

"It was great seeing the kids in school and watching a lesson."

"Miss BB is fab, I really enjoyed seeing how she teaches the children and keeps them engaged. I can see why [my son] enjoys his time with her so much."

"[I liked] my child showing me how she calculated the maths questions and showing me the difference from what I was taught at school."

"I loved being able to see a snippet of my sons day and the teaching and learning methods used in the classroom. I loved seeing him and the rest of the class so engaged and focused on the work. There was clear differentiation from the teacher and was such an inclusive classroom where the needs of all pupils were met and this was really great to see. The rally coach method used to involve us in our children's learning was lots of fun and it is a great way of teaching and learning. It is a great way of promoting mistakes as part of learning and teaching the children are able to learn how to give tips and teach their partner and also receive tips and be taught by others when it is a tricky question."

"The session was well planned and well organised. I was glad of the chance to see a maths lesson and learnt a thing or two! Great to see the children talking through their thought process with a partner, what a great idea. Also the session gave me an idea about how they are preparing for sats which I can talk to my son about. Thank you to Mr Sheldon and Mr Griffiths and the rest of the staff team, your hard work is very much appreciated."


Early Years Shared Learning

On Tuesday 31st January, Nursery held their second shared learning event of the year. This was followed with Reception's Shared Learning event on Thursday 2nd February. Both events gave parents the chance to see how maths is taught in the early years. There was a really good turn out, and parents gave us some lovely feedback:

"[I enjoyed] the opportunity to see my son in the setting and how he interacted with his teachers and classmates."

"[I liked] the learning aspect and joining in with my children was fabulous! Teachers are great!"

"Loved the fact we were shown the new things being learnt that week such as numbers."

"It was timely and well organised. I also liked the fact that we were able to have a glimpse of what the children's day look like."

"It was well organised. Brilliant to see such commitment to parent involvement from Mr Griffiths and rest of the staff. The lesson was fun, the children then had lots of activities to choose from to put their knowledge into action. Miss Smith and Miss Oswell are doing a brilliant job. Thank you, I loved it."

"[I loved] so much! I loved playing and learning with my daughter. I loved experiencing the handwriting and Maths activities at carpet time. I loved watching the teacher expertly encouraging and teaching the children."


Christmas Productions

Throughout the final full week before the holiday, there were a number of festive performances for parents to enjoy. These included a Year 3 and Year 4 festive sing-alng, KS1 Christmas presentation and UKS2 Christmas production. All performances were well attended and the children put on amazing shows for all to enjoy. 


Parent Coffee morning

On Friday 9th December we held a coffee morning for parents/carers to attend. This gave parents a chance to meet staff from school and talk about anything they needed to discuss. It followed on from craft sessions in which parents had been involved, creating goodies to be sold at the school Christmas Fair. Thank you to all who helped in the run up, and to those who helped out on the day.


UKS2 Shared Learning

On Monday 28th November, UKS2 held a shared learnign event, giving parents and opporunity to see the teaching of maths or English in their classrooms. Thanks to those who attended and those who gave feedback on the event:

"[It was good] after a long time, again coming into school to see how my child learns. Must say [my child's] teacher is excellent how she clearly breaks things down and is so nice with the children."

"I enjoyed seeing what my daughter was learning in school and how the lesson was taught. I found it really helpful and it was really nice to join her, thank you for having us."

"It was great to be back in the classroom and see what the children are learning. I was very impressed with the standard of writing."

"I got to see how my son focused and how his behaviour was in class."

"Thank you to Mr Sheldon and the school for inviting us into the classroom. I loved seeing my son interact with his classmates and have fun sharing his ideas. Mr Sheldon has a wonderful rapport with the class, he speaks to them with warmth and humour. It was brilliant to see the whole class taking part and enjoying themselves! Thank you."


Nursery Shared Learning

Nursery held two shared learning sessions on Tuesday 15th November, to enable parents of our part time learners to attend. The sessions were a success with parents enjoying taking part in the learning with their children, and we had some lovely feedback:

"It was wonderful to witness the caring, patient and creative approach of the EYFS team. I loved seeing how the staff interacted with my daughter (and the other children) and how they engaged them in a variety of activities. I loved having the opportunity to play with my girl and she was so proud when introducing me to her friends."

"[I enjoyed] getting to see my child playing and learning i.e. sitting on the carpet with the other children and listening to Miss Burke and then it was nice that he got to have some free play where I could play with him. The squiggle while you wiggle was fun and until they event I didn’t know what it was; since then we do a five minute squiggle with a wiggle before getting ready for bed which the kids have enjoyed the last three days."

"[I liked] the learning environment and the coordination between the school and parents."

"[I enjoyed] seeing the excellent teaching and watching my son in the environment."

"[It gave me] a chance to see what my daughter is doing!"


Reception Shared Learning

On Tuesday 18th October, Reception had their shared learning event. This gave the opportunity for parents and carers to come into school and see how we teach phonics in Reception. 

Thank you for the lovely feedback:

"It was a wonderful experience overall. Sitting in the classroom with my child I had an opportunity to learn different ways and styles to get my child engaged in her reading and writing in a fun way."

"Lots of smiling, welcoming faces, staff and children. The children were delighted to see their grown ups, My son talked about it so much at home. Great to see how he learns and takes part. It gave us lots to talk about at home. A happy classroom, all the children were joining in. The teacher was brilliant, really encouraging and warm. Thank you."

"My children were so happy to see me and proud to show me round. It was good to see them in a different environment than I normally do and a lesson to see how this works and how they respond."

"I got an insight on how my child is in the school environment; what they are learning and how they are learning. It was very reassuring as well in terms of whether my child has settled in or not. Looking at their classroom was also great. Loved how the walls were decorated with facts about the children in class and their work, giving them a sense of belonging. Really enjoyed the whole experience and would love to attend more of these events."


LKS2 Shared Learning

LKS2's (Years 3 and 4) Shared learning event took place on Friday 14th October. During the event, the classes looked at part of the writing process in an English lesson.

We had some lovely feedback from the event:

"It was great to see my son in a school setting, and I sensed excitement amongst the children whose parents attended."

"I loved the confidence the teachers had when the taught the children in front of us! Very brave; hats off! I loved the way they made writing a sentence look like so much fun! I loved the excitement the children had on the day we had to come! I will never forget the look on my son's face!"

"It is an amazing opportunity for us to know what the children are learning in the classroom and how they act during the lesson"

"I loved being back in the classroom seeing a bit of learning. I also thought the talk at the beginning was helpful so we all knew what the expectations were for adults in the classroom. I really appreciate the staff being willing to let us all come and observe the lesson."

"Seeing the classroom environment and the work my child does. Empowered the children to show the grown ups how they do things. That the school is including parents/building a community"

"A warm welcome from all the staff. The children were delighted to see their grown ups. It really helps to understand what and how they are learning. Wonderfully calm and happy classroom."

"There were so many things that I liked! The opportunity to work alongside my child. Being able to see how writing is taught as a process. It was great to see the classroom environment and I loved how the displays and information around the room were referred to throughout the session, either to recap prior learning or to highlight something new. It was lovely to witness the teacher's gentle manner with the children - she both supported and challenged their learning. Thank you for planning the event. It was really valuable and enjoyable."

"Today's session in class was spot on. The teacher had all the children's attention at all times. Her teaching style is brilliant! I just hope she didn't mind me fidgeting because I struggled with sitting and kneeling on the floor!"


Friends of Acacias Coffee morning

On Thursday 13th October, we held our first 'Friends of Acacias' meeting. This was an opportunity for any parents/carers or other members of the school community to come together to look at how we can work together and gain ideas of how we can raise funds for the school. There was a great turn out and lots of chat and laughter! There were some fantastic fundraising ideas shared and some very enthusiastic volunteers. Thank you to all who came - we look forward to working with you in future. Look out for information of our next meeting.


KS1 Shared Learning

On Tuesday 11th October, KS1 (Years 1 and 2) held a shared learning event. This gave parents/carers the opportunity to see how English is taught in KS1. Thank you to all who came, and to those who gave feedback on the experience:

"Sharing the same class environment with your kid is the best ever experience."

"Able to share a learning exercise with my child, helps to start conversations at home about the topics discussed."

"I loved seeing my son participating in the lesson. And seeing how happy and confident all the children were in joining in. They were all keen to learn and were clearly enjoying it."

"I enjoyed being able to see what my child is learning during her class and seeing how she engaged so well in class. I felt very proud as a parent. I also enjoyed being able to help my child with the work and be her extra support there and my heart was at ease to know that she was understanding the work."

"The children were kind to each other, shared the resources well & got on with their work. They also had the opportunity to write but it was in a way that all abilities were catered for. Some children were faster at sorting & writing but there were enough resources that they were able to be challenged right to the end of the lesson. The teacher ended excellently with a fun game which directly helped practice the new knowledge gained. I was very pleased at the quality of teaching & learning. Both the teacher & teaching assistant were a fantastic team & the children were very well engaged."

"The teacher was fantastic engaging both students and parents at the right times"

"The opportunity to see how learning takes place in the colourful, engaging classroom. It was wonderful to see how the teacher introduced a new concept, modelled it and allowed children to practise. My son was confident categorising and writing nouns by the end of the session. It was a pleasure and a privilege to participate with my child. Thank you for the opportunity."


Phonics workshops

During September, we held four separate workshops on how our phonics programme is delivered. These were for parents/carers of children in Reception and Year 1. The workshops were well attended overall, and parents found it useful knowing how their child is taught and seeing an example of a phonics lesson.


Meet the Inclusion team coffee afternoon

On Tuesday 20th September we held a coffee afternoon for parents/carers to meet the Inclusion team, giving an opportunity to share and discuss any concerns. It also gave an opportunity for us to share how we support children in school with a wide range of needs. Thank you to those who attended and shared their thoughts.

Parental Involvement

At Acacias, we highly value the support of parents and encourage parents to become involved in the school community. We regularly hold workshops to support parents with helping their children at home, and informal coffee mornings. At each event we ask parents for feedback on what they enjoyed and what they'd like to see in the future. We use this feedback to plan future events and to inform us of how to improve.

We are just starting to get more Parental Involvement events up and running, post COVID lockdowns.

To see what we've done in the past, please click here.

If you would like to discuss our parental involvement further, and have ideas of how to make it even better, please contact Mrs Riley, our parental involvement coordinator, or email us at Alternatively, you can contact us, or send us suggestions, through our 'Parent View' page.


Upcoming events:

Please check the calendar or the school story on Class Dojo for details of upcoming events, including class assemblies.


2022 - 2023

Nursery Physical Development workshop

On Thursday 4th May, we held a physical development workshop for parents of children in Nursery. During the workshop we shared activities for developing physical skills to enable fine and gross motor control to improve. They were given information about how to develop these skills at home. Click here to see the presentation.


Nursery Phonics workshop

On Tuesday 21st March, we held a phonics workshop for parents of children in Nursery. This gave our parents a chance to understand the building blocks of phonics, and why phonics is so important in Nursery. They were given information about what Phase 1 of phonics involves, and how they can support the different aspects at home. Click here to see the presentation.


KS1 Shared Learning

On Friday 10th March, KS1 held their shared learnign event for the spring term. This time they focussed on how maths is taught in school. Feedback from the parents was really positive:

"[I enjoyed] seeing my son in class and joining in with activities that will be good to try at home.  There were opportunities for activities with movement which suited him really well."

"It’s lovely to see how the way children learn and we can watch them working as a team in their groups."

"It was so helpful to learn and practice different strategies to learn divisions."

"[I liked] getting an insight of how subject is taught as this gives me ideas how I can make this work at home. Today’s most exciting and amazing experience was seeing my son get involved absolutely amazing.  This was the 1st time he is building his confidence to get involved."

"It was wonderful to see how Miss Upton engaged the children in their learning. And was so impressive that, with her support, the children were able to use difficult mathematical terms. It was great to connect and lean with my child in the classroom setting."


LKS2 Shared Learning

Lower KS2 held their second shared learning event on Monday 13th February, which focussed on the teaching of maths. As always, we received some excellent feedback from parents who attended:

"It was fantastic to see how the teacher's set up the lessons for particular subjects and gave the children ample opportunities to engage with each other. Well done staff."

"[I enjoyed] being able to understand how and the ways my child is learning their maths."

"It was great to see the techniques used in teaching the children. The Kagan approach is something I have never heard of but seeing it in practice, I could see what an excellent tool it really is. 
It’s always nice to see what my daughter is learning in class too. Today I asked her if she understands fractions and how to work them out. She said she was struggling a little so I know I can practice them at home with her over the weekends."

"It was great being a part of my son's learning journey and to see how the children engage with their teacher."

"It was a good way of understanding how child is taught and gave me ideas and understanding of how to get the theory and practice across."


UKS2 Shared Learning

On Wednesday 8th February, UKS2 held their second shared learning event of the year, with parents having an opportunity to see the teaching of maths or English. The parents valued the experience, and gave some great feedback:

"It was great seeing the kids in school and watching a lesson."

"Miss BB is fab, I really enjoyed seeing how she teaches the children and keeps them engaged. I can see why [my son] enjoys his time with her so much."

"[I liked] my child showing me how she calculated the maths questions and showing me the difference from what I was taught at school."

"I loved being able to see a snippet of my sons day and the teaching and learning methods used in the classroom. I loved seeing him and the rest of the class so engaged and focused on the work. There was clear differentiation from the teacher and was such an inclusive classroom where the needs of all pupils were met and this was really great to see. The rally coach method used to involve us in our children's learning was lots of fun and it is a great way of teaching and learning. It is a great way of promoting mistakes as part of learning and teaching the children are able to learn how to give tips and teach their partner and also receive tips and be taught by others when it is a tricky question."

"The session was well planned and well organised. I was glad of the chance to see a maths lesson and learnt a thing or two! Great to see the children talking through their thought process with a partner, what a great idea. Also the session gave me an idea about how they are preparing for sats which I can talk to my son about. Thank you to Mr Sheldon and Mr Griffiths and the rest of the staff team, your hard work is very much appreciated."


Early Years Shared Learning

On Tuesday 31st January, Nursery held their second shared learning event of the year. This was followed with Reception's Shared Learning event on Thursday 2nd February. Both events gave parents the chance to see how maths is taught in the early years. There was a really good turn out, and parents gave us some lovely feedback:

"[I enjoyed] the opportunity to see my son in the setting and how he interacted with his teachers and classmates."

"[I liked] the learning aspect and joining in with my children was fabulous! Teachers are great!"

"Loved the fact we were shown the new things being learnt that week such as numbers."

"It was timely and well organised. I also liked the fact that we were able to have a glimpse of what the children's day look like."

"It was well organised. Brilliant to see such commitment to parent involvement from Mr Griffiths and rest of the staff. The lesson was fun, the children then had lots of activities to choose from to put their knowledge into action. Miss Smith and Miss Oswell are doing a brilliant job. Thank you, I loved it."

"[I loved] so much! I loved playing and learning with my daughter. I loved experiencing the handwriting and Maths activities at carpet time. I loved watching the teacher expertly encouraging and teaching the children."


Christmas Productions

Throughout the final full week before the holiday, there were a number of festive performances for parents to enjoy. These included a Year 3 and Year 4 festive sing-alng, KS1 Christmas presentation and UKS2 Christmas production. All performances were well attended and the children put on amazing shows for all to enjoy. 


Parent Coffee morning

On Friday 9th December we held a coffee morning for parents/carers to attend. This gave parents a chance to meet staff from school and talk about anything they needed to discuss. It followed on from craft sessions in which parents had been involved, creating goodies to be sold at the school Christmas Fair. Thank you to all who helped in the run up, and to those who helped out on the day.


UKS2 Shared Learning

On Monday 28th November, UKS2 held a shared learnign event, giving parents and opporunity to see the teaching of maths or English in their classrooms. Thanks to those who attended and those who gave feedback on the event:

"[It was good] after a long time, again coming into school to see how my child learns. Must say [my child's] teacher is excellent how she clearly breaks things down and is so nice with the children."

"I enjoyed seeing what my daughter was learning in school and how the lesson was taught. I found it really helpful and it was really nice to join her, thank you for having us."

"It was great to be back in the classroom and see what the children are learning. I was very impressed with the standard of writing."

"I got to see how my son focused and how his behaviour was in class."

"Thank you to Mr Sheldon and the school for inviting us into the classroom. I loved seeing my son interact with his classmates and have fun sharing his ideas. Mr Sheldon has a wonderful rapport with the class, he speaks to them with warmth and humour. It was brilliant to see the whole class taking part and enjoying themselves! Thank you."


Nursery Shared Learning

Nursery held two shared learning sessions on Tuesday 15th November, to enable parents of our part time learners to attend. The sessions were a success with parents enjoying taking part in the learning with their children, and we had some lovely feedback:

"It was wonderful to witness the caring, patient and creative approach of the EYFS team. I loved seeing how the staff interacted with my daughter (and the other children) and how they engaged them in a variety of activities. I loved having the opportunity to play with my girl and she was so proud when introducing me to her friends."

"[I enjoyed] getting to see my child playing and learning i.e. sitting on the carpet with the other children and listening to Miss Burke and then it was nice that he got to have some free play where I could play with him. The squiggle while you wiggle was fun and until they event I didn’t know what it was; since then we do a five minute squiggle with a wiggle before getting ready for bed which the kids have enjoyed the last three days."

"[I liked] the learning environment and the coordination between the school and parents."

"[I enjoyed] seeing the excellent teaching and watching my son in the environment."

"[It gave me] a chance to see what my daughter is doing!"


Reception Shared Learning

On Tuesday 18th October, Reception had their shared learning event. This gave the opportunity for parents and carers to come into school and see how we teach phonics in Reception. 

Thank you for the lovely feedback:

"It was a wonderful experience overall. Sitting in the classroom with my child I had an opportunity to learn different ways and styles to get my child engaged in her reading and writing in a fun way."

"Lots of smiling, welcoming faces, staff and children. The children were delighted to see their grown ups, My son talked about it so much at home. Great to see how he learns and takes part. It gave us lots to talk about at home. A happy classroom, all the children were joining in. The teacher was brilliant, really encouraging and warm. Thank you."

"My children were so happy to see me and proud to show me round. It was good to see them in a different environment than I normally do and a lesson to see how this works and how they respond."

"I got an insight on how my child is in the school environment; what they are learning and how they are learning. It was very reassuring as well in terms of whether my child has settled in or not. Looking at their classroom was also great. Loved how the walls were decorated with facts about the children in class and their work, giving them a sense of belonging. Really enjoyed the whole experience and would love to attend more of these events."


LKS2 Shared Learning

LKS2's (Years 3 and 4) Shared learning event took place on Friday 14th October. During the event, the classes looked at part of the writing process in an English lesson.

We had some lovely feedback from the event:

"It was great to see my son in a school setting, and I sensed excitement amongst the children whose parents attended."

"I loved the confidence the teachers had when the taught the children in front of us! Very brave; hats off! I loved the way they made writing a sentence look like so much fun! I loved the excitement the children had on the day we had to come! I will never forget the look on my son's face!"

"It is an amazing opportunity for us to know what the children are learning in the classroom and how they act during the lesson"

"I loved being back in the classroom seeing a bit of learning. I also thought the talk at the beginning was helpful so we all knew what the expectations were for adults in the classroom. I really appreciate the staff being willing to let us all come and observe the lesson."

"Seeing the classroom environment and the work my child does. Empowered the children to show the grown ups how they do things. That the school is including parents/building a community"

"A warm welcome from all the staff. The children were delighted to see their grown ups. It really helps to understand what and how they are learning. Wonderfully calm and happy classroom."

"There were so many things that I liked! The opportunity to work alongside my child. Being able to see how writing is taught as a process. It was great to see the classroom environment and I loved how the displays and information around the room were referred to throughout the session, either to recap prior learning or to highlight something new. It was lovely to witness the teacher's gentle manner with the children - she both supported and challenged their learning. Thank you for planning the event. It was really valuable and enjoyable."

"Today's session in class was spot on. The teacher had all the children's attention at all times. Her teaching style is brilliant! I just hope she didn't mind me fidgeting because I struggled with sitting and kneeling on the floor!"


Friends of Acacias Coffee morning

On Thursday 13th October, we held our first 'Friends of Acacias' meeting. This was an opportunity for any parents/carers or other members of the school community to come together to look at how we can work together and gain ideas of how we can raise funds for the school. There was a great turn out and lots of chat and laughter! There were some fantastic fundraising ideas shared and some very enthusiastic volunteers. Thank you to all who came - we look forward to working with you in future. Look out for information of our next meeting.


KS1 Shared Learning

On Tuesday 11th October, KS1 (Years 1 and 2) held a shared learning event. This gave parents/carers the opportunity to see how English is taught in KS1. Thank you to all who came, and to those who gave feedback on the experience:

"Sharing the same class environment with your kid is the best ever experience."

"Able to share a learning exercise with my child, helps to start conversations at home about the topics discussed."

"I loved seeing my son participating in the lesson. And seeing how happy and confident all the children were in joining in. They were all keen to learn and were clearly enjoying it."

"I enjoyed being able to see what my child is learning during her class and seeing how she engaged so well in class. I felt very proud as a parent. I also enjoyed being able to help my child with the work and be her extra support there and my heart was at ease to know that she was understanding the work."

"The children were kind to each other, shared the resources well & got on with their work. They also had the opportunity to write but it was in a way that all abilities were catered for. Some children were faster at sorting & writing but there were enough resources that they were able to be challenged right to the end of the lesson. The teacher ended excellently with a fun game which directly helped practice the new knowledge gained. I was very pleased at the quality of teaching & learning. Both the teacher & teaching assistant were a fantastic team & the children were very well engaged."

"The teacher was fantastic engaging both students and parents at the right times"

"The opportunity to see how learning takes place in the colourful, engaging classroom. It was wonderful to see how the teacher introduced a new concept, modelled it and allowed children to practise. My son was confident categorising and writing nouns by the end of the session. It was a pleasure and a privilege to participate with my child. Thank you for the opportunity."


Phonics workshops

During September, we held four separate workshops on how our phonics programme is delivered. These were for parents/carers of children in Reception and Year 1. The workshops were well attended overall, and parents found it useful knowing how their child is taught and seeing an example of a phonics lesson.


Meet the Inclusion team coffee afternoon

On Tuesday 20th September we held a coffee afternoon for parents/carers to meet the Inclusion team, giving an opportunity to share and discuss any concerns. It also gave an opportunity for us to share how we support children in school with a wide range of needs. Thank you to those who attended and shared their thoughts.