The school office is open from 8.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. every weekday
Morning Checklist - Things to check in the morning before leaving for school.
Don't forget your :
School book bag
Lunch box
PE kit
Instrument (if relevant)
Nursery Applications
Admission to Nursery is managed by Acacias and application forms should be returned to the school office. Children are admitted to Nursery in the September before they are 4 and places are allocated in the April/May prior to admission, full details of the admissions criteria can be found in the school prospectus. Please ensure your child's name is on our waiting list by the 28th February prior to admission.
Dinner Money
Dinner money should be paid via Arbor or at the school office by card on a Monday morning. A full week's dinner money is £13.00 (£2.60 per day). The option of paying termly or half termly is also available. Any queries please contact the office.
If your child needs prescribed medication during school hours, you will need to fill in a form that can be obtained at the school office. Unprescribed medication, for example, paracetamol, ibuprofen etc will have to be administered by a parent.
Please report any absences by 10 a.m. Do not send a message on Dojo. When you phone please specify the reason for your child's absence.
Please ensure all appointments are made outside of school hours. If your child has an appointment during the school day please show the letter of appointment to the office for a copy to be made and kept on file. If your child misses their school lunch due to their appointment a charge will be made unless we are given advance notice to cancel it.
Late Children
Please make sure your child is at school for the bell at five to nine. When a child is late they miss out on information about the day's structure as well as disrupting the lesson. If you're child is late they must be signed in at the school office by a parent.
Changing Meal Patterns
If you are thinking of changing your child's meal pattern please complete the relevant form which is held at the office. As school meals are prepared in school daily, please notify the office one week prior to the date of change. If you have any queries on this matter please contact us.
Contact Information
Parents can now check and update contact information on Arbor or ask the office to update this information for you. It is very important that this information is correct at all times.
Lost Property
Please could you remember to label all your child's clothing including coats, hats, gloves and scarves. Any items found around school without a child's name in will be put in the lost property box which is outside the school office.