Before/After school care

Our Breakfast Club is open from 7.45 a.m. each morning in term time. To register for a place please  complete a registration form (click here), confirm booking dates and return it to the school office. Breakfast club costs £3.00 a day if booked and paid for a half term in advance via ParentPay. Any last minute bookings will cost £3.50 per day. for the Breakfast Club flyer click here.

The breakfast club staff are:

Mrs McCormick (Leader)

Mrs Gibson

Mrs McNicholls

Miss Burch





There are a number of after school care options available in the local area, including Alma Park kids club who collect from the school. (see However, we as a school make no recommendation about where to go for after school care, and feel it is important that each parent make their own informed decision about this.