Welcome to Year 3

3B                                                                               3Y

Teacher-Mrs Dews                               Teacher - Miss E Hollinshead

This is the Year 3 Teaching and Learning Programme 2024/25

Year 3 Long Term Plan


These are our half termly learning programmes. Click on the half term you want to view.

Spring 2023

Summer 2023

Important days

  • Please help your child to complete one activity off their homework grid every week
  • Homework must be handed in by Wednesday each week.
  • P.E days:
  • 3Y: Thursday- Outdoor Games, Wednesday - Gymnastics/Dance
  • 3B: Wednesday - Outdoor Games, Thursday - Gymnastics/Dance
  • Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school at the beginning of the week. They must have shorts/leggings and a white t-shirt for indoor PE and trainers and a warm tracksuit for outdoor PE. No earrings or jewellery are allowed to be worn during PE.



Please help your child learn the 3, 4 and 8 times table off by heart and practice counting in 4s, 8s, 50s and 100s, forwards and backwards.

To access lots of fun, interactive games at home click the following link here.



In autumn, our topic is Ancient Egypt. 

In spring, our topic is Town and Country.

In summer, our topic is Stone Age to Iron Age.


Our science topics are forces and magnets, animals including humans, rocks and soils, plants and light.



The children will have a weekly spelling test on a Friday. Please ensure your child brings their brown spelling book into school on this day. Your child will practice their spellings in school, but please ensure they practice further at home. Here are some strategies to help learn new spellings.




We change reading books after your child has read their book and taken their Accelerated Reader quiz. Please ensure that you have left a comment in the reading record book, each time your child reads at home. Your child needs to bring in their reading book and reading record everyday so they can read with an adult in school. Please read as much as possible at home with your child.  Ask them questions about their book to check their understanding and discuss any unknown vocabulary.

Here are 50 recommended books for Year 3.



Please see the attached document for help in supporting your child/children with reading:

 Every day, we will be having a class read. Here are a range of books we will be covering: