

Our Modern Foreign Language co-ordinator is Mrs Bradley-Byrne and at Acacias we learn French. 

Click here for our Intent, Implementation and Impact Policy. Click here for our progression document.

French is delivered to all pupils across Key Stage 2.

We are very lucky, as we have a number of staff who are fluent French speakers to help us!

In lower Key Stage 2, class teachers are supported by Miss Perez, a French specialist.

In upper Key Stage 2, French is delivered by Miss Moghaddam, who is also a French specialist.


We use the 'Language Angels' programme to support our teaching of French. The children are really enjoying the activities, games and resources. We hope to offer access to these resources for home use soon.


You can use the links below to practise and develop your French speaking and listening skills.


Please see below for our topic grid for the 2024-2025 academic year.

MFL Medium Term Plan 2024-2025
