Welcome to Year 4

4B                                                                       4Y                        

Teacher- Mr Malies                                          Teacher - Mrs Rider           


This is the Year 4 teaching and learning programme for 2023/2024

Year4 Long term plan 23-24

No data

Important days

  • Homework will be given out on a Friday and must be returned by Wednesday. If your child needs help with their homework, please speak with their class teacher before the return day.
  • We will change reading books once your child has finished their book. Your child should read at home 5 times a week. Of those 5 times, we hope they can read with an adult at least twice. An adult needs to sign the reading record everytime a child reads (even if they are reading silently) so that we can monitor how much children are reading at home.   
  • Our current PE day in school is Thursday. Children need to come into school wearing their PE kit on this day. We will alternate indoor and outdoor each week as our other PE session is swimming.
  • Children will have weekly swimming lessons (Tuesday - 4Y Wednesday - 4B). Girls will need a swimming costume and boys will need swimming trunks. No goggles, bikinis or swimming shorts are allow. Anyone with hair long enough to cover airways or eyes needs to wear a swimming cap. 
  • Spelling Tests will be on a Tuesday for 4Y and a Friday for 4B. Please ensure that spelling books are in school on this day. 


Here are 50 recommended books for Year 4




Please click here for our weekly timetable.

Topics 2022-2023

Autumn: Great Greek Gifts

Spring: Romans on the Rampage

Summer: Italy

Welcome to Year 4

4B                                                                       4Y                        

Teacher- Mr Malies                                          Teacher - Mrs Rider           


This is the Year 4 teaching and learning programme for 2023/2024

Year4 Long term plan 23-24

No data

Important days

  • Homework will be given out on a Friday and must be returned by Wednesday. If your child needs help with their homework, please speak with their class teacher before the return day.
  • We will change reading books once your child has finished their book. Your child should read at home 5 times a week. Of those 5 times, we hope they can read with an adult at least twice. An adult needs to sign the reading record everytime a child reads (even if they are reading silently) so that we can monitor how much children are reading at home.   
  • Our current PE day in school is Thursday. Children need to come into school wearing their PE kit on this day. We will alternate indoor and outdoor each week as our other PE session is swimming.
  • Children will have weekly swimming lessons (Tuesday - 4Y Wednesday - 4B). Girls will need a swimming costume and boys will need swimming trunks. No goggles, bikinis or swimming shorts are allow. Anyone with hair long enough to cover airways or eyes needs to wear a swimming cap. 
  • Spelling Tests will be on a Tuesday for 4Y and a Friday for 4B. Please ensure that spelling books are in school on this day. 


Here are 50 recommended books for Year 4




Please click here for our weekly timetable.

Topics 2022-2023

Autumn: Great Greek Gifts

Spring: Romans on the Rampage

Summer: Italy