Children can arrive at school between 8.45 and 8.55a.m. and go straight into class, registration takes place at 8.55a.m. Nursery morning children leave at 11.45a.m. and Nursery afternoon children arrive at 12.15p.m.
All children in Y1-Y6 have a 15 minute morning break and an hour for lunch, Reception children and full time Nursery children have an hour for lunch. Children in Y1-Y4 have a 15 minute afternoon break. Children in Y5 & 6 do not have an afternoon break as they have a late lunch and therefore they finish at 3.15p.m.
School finishes at 3.15p.m for Nursery, Y5 & Y6 and at 3.30p.m. for the rest of school.
The school is open for 33.75 hours per week.