Say hello to Puddles the bear
He is very excited to explore his new Nursery
This page is designed to give you and your child a glimpse into the exciting journey your child will embark upon at Acacias. We recommend that you share this social story with your child at regular intervals before they begin Nursery in September; it will help to prepare them for their next big step in life. This page will also provide you with helpful information on supporting your child to develop skills that will help them to thrive in their new school.
Puddles Goes to Nursery
Puddles is walking up the path to school. He has a funny feeling in his tummy. He is a little bit nervous, but he is also excited. "Hello new school" he says cheerfully. He is being very brave.
Who will bring you to school on your first day?
Puddles is waiting to go inside the Nursery. He feels sad about saying goodbye to his special grown up, but he knows that they will pick him up at the end of the day.
He can see lots of toys inside that he is excited to play with. "Can I go inside now?" he says.
He has his new backpack, filled with wellies and spare clothes; all the things he needs for a fun day at Nursery.
What will you put inside your Nursery bag?
Puddles walks into Nursery. It is a very big Nursery. The funny feeling in his tummy comes back again because he is nervous. He gives his special grown up a big cuddle and that helps him to feel much better.
Then, he spots a train set! He loves to play with his trains at home. "can I go and play?" he asks.
Puddles found the climbing frame in the Nursery playground. It was tricky to climb to the top because he's only a small bear, but he kept on trying! Well done, Puddles!
Then he went to play on a tricycle. He went very fast!
Inside, playing with the bricks was lots of fun! He connected the bricks to make a tower that was even bigger than him!
Then, Puddles found the mark making area. There were lots of different coloured pencils to choose from. He decided to draw a picture of his special grown up. "I'll keep it safe and give it to my special grown up when they pick me up at the end of the day" he said joyfully.
All of a sudden, Puddles neeed the toilet. "Quick, Puddles!" said the teacher. He was vey independent and even remembered to flush.
When puddles went back to play in the Nursery, he wanted to play with the trains. Two of his friends came to join and Puddles shared the trains with them. "Thank you very much" said Brown Bear.
Top Tips for Developing Communication and Language skills
Stay and Play - Week 2
Physical Development
Stay and play - Week 3
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Say hello to Puddles the bear
He is very excited to explore his new Nursery
This page is designed to give you and your child a glimpse into the exciting journey your child will embark upon at Acacias. We recommend that you share this social story with your child at regular intervals before they begin Nursery in September; it will help to prepare them for their next big step in life. This page will also provide you with helpful information on supporting your child to develop skills that will help them to thrive in their new school.
Puddles Goes to Nursery
Puddles is walking up the path to school. He has a funny feeling in his tummy. He is a little bit nervous, but he is also excited. "Hello new school" he says cheerfully. He is being very brave.
Who will bring you to school on your first day?
Puddles is waiting to go inside the Nursery. He feels sad about saying goodbye to his special grown up, but he knows that they will pick him up at the end of the day.
He can see lots of toys inside that he is excited to play with. "Can I go inside now?" he says.
He has his new backpack, filled with wellies and spare clothes; all the things he needs for a fun day at Nursery.
What will you put inside your Nursery bag?
Puddles walks into Nursery. It is a very big Nursery. The funny feeling in his tummy comes back again because he is nervous. He gives his special grown up a big cuddle and that helps him to feel much better.
Then, he spots a train set! He loves to play with his trains at home. "can I go and play?" he asks.
Puddles found the climbing frame in the Nursery playground. It was tricky to climb to the top because he's only a small bear, but he kept on trying! Well done, Puddles!
Then he went to play on a tricycle. He went very fast!
Inside, playing with the bricks was lots of fun! He connected the bricks to make a tower that was even bigger than him!
Then, Puddles found the mark making area. There were lots of different coloured pencils to choose from. He decided to draw a picture of his special grown up. "I'll keep it safe and give it to my special grown up when they pick me up at the end of the day" he said joyfully.
All of a sudden, Puddles neeed the toilet. "Quick, Puddles!" said the teacher. He was vey independent and even remembered to flush.
When puddles went back to play in the Nursery, he wanted to play with the trains. Two of his friends came to join and Puddles shared the trains with them. "Thank you very much" said Brown Bear.
Top Tips for Developing Communication and Language skills
Stay and Play - Week 2
Physical Development
Stay and play - Week 3
Personal, Social and Emotional Development