Contact Us

If you have any queries about the school please contact Mrs A Stansfield (Assistant Head) using the contact details below:-

Acacias CPS

Alexandra Drive



M19 2WW

Tel: 0161 224 1598



If you wish to contact the school special educational needs co-ordinator (Mrs R Riley) then she can be contacted on 0161 224 1598 or via

Alternatively you can use one of our online forms below

If you have any concerns about the school we would encourage you to talk to us about the issue. Please speak to your child's class teacher first and if you are still dissatisfied then speak to the Key Stage Manager for your child. Should the issue still be unresolved after that, please ask the office for an appointment with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss the issue. If the matter remains unresolved then a copy of our complaints procedure is available (click here).


Contact Form
Max length 120 characters
Max length 120 characters
Max length 500 characters